Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

Tips to Maintaining Healthy Body To Stay Fit

Tips to Maintaining Healthy Body To Stay Fit,- Having a healthy and fit body is the desire of every person. With a healthy body because it will add to the spirit and activities will run smoothly and in accordance with our expectations. It also has a healthy body then we do not need to be paced to the doctor and spend a lot of time and money to buy drugs.
How to get to keep the body healthy and fit is easy, not too difficult and expensive to do. To have a healthy body is to exercise, a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Tips to Maintaining Healthy Body To Stay Fit

1.Exercise and eating foods that are nutritious

Most people think that in order for the body to be healthy and fit, they should exercise and eating nutritious foods. Medical experts also strongly agree with this opinion. Just do not do excessive exercise because exercise is too strenuous activity and excessive is not good for the body. Do exercise in accordance with the ability of the body and was routinely done.

2.Do not overeat

Keeping a diet is very important so that we can arrange anything that may enter the body and what should not be eaten. Therefore filled diet 4 healthy 5 perfect, namely rice as a staple food, side dishes for our bodies get enough protein and fats, vegetables, fruit and milk.

Many of the impacts that will occur if overeating that such weight gain or even stimulate the onset of disease. And eat a serving of food to taste as you need.

3.Water consumption

Besides exercise and eating nutritious foods, you also need to consume water in accordance with the needs of your body. Ideally, water consumption recommended by nutrition experts is about 8 glasses a day. Then avoid sitting too long, because it sits too long to make your body faster and more tired. In addition, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Because fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients needed by the body. When met with good nutrition, then tubuhpun will get supplies enough energy to perform daily activities.

4.Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic beverages

Bad habits like frequent smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is not the cause of the health of your body. Cigarette smoke that is inhaled and enter the lungs will make this organ is contaminated by the toxic substance called nicotine. If left alone, and do not stop smoking, toxic substances will continue to accumulate and accumulate enough to disturb even menggalkan lung organ function. As a result appeared several diseases related to lungs one lung cancer. Alcoholic beverages also became one of the causes of many chronic diseases including cancer. Cigarettes and alcohol can also inhibit to get pregnant, so you should avoid two of these things.

5.Avoid stress

Another way to maintain a healthy body is to avoid and prevent stress. Did you know that stress psychiatric conditions will affect the quality of the physical health of your body. So not only are disturbed psychological health, but also your physical health. How to prevent and avoid stress is by refreshing the way to go on vacation, hobby, gathering with family and friends, reducing the quantity of work, doing yoga and so on.

6.Positive thinking

Positive thinking and mind-body connection can not be separated. The relationship is when we do how to maintain stamina and healthy body also will have a positive effect on the mind as well.

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